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The study is in person and/or via web conferencing

Jesus as the Cornerstone

Seeking Health & Healing ~ A Catholic Perspective (optional study).

Spiritual Renewal


  1. If participating in the Catholic Foundational Bible study, Health Strong aims to uphold the 7 Truths as outlined in The Imitation of Christ and the 2015 Presentation Ministries.  It's our desire not to offend the Lord and hope in Him

  2. Reverences all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit; especially seeking His Counsel and Hope in His will.

  3. Health Strong consults with a Christian community team.

  4. Through this study, it's our hope that faith will be increased by experiencing: 

  • Growth & maturity in Christian character

  • Increased ability to imitate Christ

  • Fostering obedience by focusing on Jesus

  • Have a deeper understanding of the confusion brought on by the spiritual warfare between new-age modalities. and Christianity when seeking health and healing

  • Give clarity of healing through the Catholic Church and ones use of the medical system

  • Give rise to a spiritual understanding of the pains and anxiety the soul experiences as it relates to physical and moral health.


“Great presentation!I love the way Julie presented the material.It was very professional and interesting.I learned a lot!”

~ Cristina


“I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much.  You are truly in my life because GOD has put you there for me.  I got so much from your class just after one night!  I look so forward to the upcoming classes!  You are such an inspiration!”

~ Julie


 “Julie, thank you so much for the class!  You are a great educator.  You are such a believer and have so much passion for what you are doing and it comes across, 100%. 

~ Sue

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